#set terminal png transparent nocrop enhanced font arial 8 size 420,320 set terminal png nocrop enhanced font arial 8 size 420,320 #set output 'hist-atr.png' set boxwidth 0.7 absolute set style fill solid 1.00 border -1 #set style histogram clustered gap 1 title offset character 0, 0, 0 set datafile missing '-' set style data histograms #set xtics border in scale 1,0.5 set ylabel "Gbit/s" set xtics ("64" 0, "128" 1, "256" 2, "512" 3, "1024" 4, "1500" 5) set title "Flow director TX cost\nNew things for Intel 82599 chips...\nNot to bad" set yrange [ 0 : 10 ] noreverse nowriteback plot '100118.xmit.atr.call.dat' using 2 with boxes, \ '100118.xmit.atr.call.dat' using 3 with boxes; pause -1