set terminal png #set output "chrge.svg" #set size 1.0,.5 set format x "%y%m%d\n%H:%M" #set format x "%H:%M" #set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" set timefmt "%y%m%d %H:%M" set yrange [ 00.00 : 35 ] noreverse nowriteback set ytics 1 #set ticscale 5 1 #set time set xdata time # time range must be in same format as data file #set xrange ["2008-11-17 08:00":"2008-11-17 22:18"] #set xrange ["2010-08-26 20:00":"2010-08-28 14:00"] #set xrange ["0-13:00:00":"0-14:00:00"] set title "Plot of power-outage in Nata/Tanzania\nPower_controller monitoring/charging 12V/XXAh Lead-Acid battery with AC-adapter" set ylabel "Voltage/Current/Temp" float = 13.39 charge = 14.5 plot "q2.dat" using 1:($3) title "Battery voltage" with line, \ "q2.dat" using 1:($6) title "Charge current" with line, \ "q2.dat" using 1:($8) title "Disconnect voltage limit" with line, \ "q2.dat" using 1:($14) title "Load current" with line, \ "q2.dat" using 1:($13*$14) title "Load effect" with line, \ "q2.dat" using 1:($7) title "Battery Temp" with line, \ float title "Floating voltage" with line; \ #charge title "Charge-thresh" with line 3 0 #pause -1;